Your Hometown Blog

Why the best real estate agents are the ones you have never heard about.

April 18, 2017

Why the best real estate agents are the ones you have never heard about.

This is a wonderful article and echos topics of many conversations I have had recently with local colleagues as well as with others in leadership roles at the recent conferences for the Ontario and Canadian Real Estate Associations.

While it was gratifying at these conferences for everyone in the room to clap and cheer when someone on stage would talk about "raising the bar" and getting rid of "crappy agents", what we really need as an industry is for enough of us to stand up and actually do something about it! Organized real estate in Canada has an amazing Code of Ethics, but the actual structure of our industry is focused on more butts-in-seats so to speak. As one national franchise VP said, "my job is to recruit and retain"...period. The more REALTORS under his banner, then the more money in his pocket, right? We need our industry to focus on quality, not quantity...that is the only way the public will change its opinion of us.

I have always considered myself more of a consultant than a "sales person" give my clients the information and advice that they need to make an informed decision, and as Hank says in the article "to make [the transaction] look boring" ðŸ˜€ It's not flashy or gimmicky, just hard work and dedication to doing a great job for you, the right way.

I am always interested in your thoughts, so feel free to drop me a line any time!